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This documentation is currently open-source, meaning you can submit pull requests on the GitHub page to change the documentation.


Clone Repo

  1. Login into GitHub (or create your account)

  2. Setup ssh (upload your public key to github account)

  3. Fork the existing repo (top-right button)

  4. Clone the forked repo using ssh (not html)
    • Click the clone button to get repo details for ssh

  5. git clone <repo link from step 4>

  6. Make changes (see How to Use rST Files)

  7. Push changes

  8. Submit pull request

  9. Keep fork synced to upstream by following the steps for UI on this link, then executing the following lines to get the synced-up changes on your laptop:

    git pull -r
    # this line might fail
    # in that case, stash and pop your local changes
    # to make sure the pull goes through
    git stash
    git pull -r
    git stash pop

Install sphinx-doc using your system installer

mac install:

brew install sphinx-doc

linux install:

sudo apt-get -y install sphinx-doc

Make sure sphinx-build is in your path

Let the installer prompt you for the path. Or see manual instructions below.

cd api/doc
sudo find / -name sphinx-build -print 2>/dev/null
export PATH=$PATH:<new_path_where_sphinx-build_is>

new_path_where_sphinx-build_is is where you have above sphinx-build

Eg: PATH="/usr/local/opt/sphinx-doc/bin:$PATH

cat ~/.zshrc

You can put this in your .bashrc or .zshrc so it is automatically set on next login/terminal

source ~/.bashrc

Set up Sphinx with Python

Follow this link

python3 -m venv ve-name
# even when you open a new terminal next time, this is how
# you get into the virtual environment
source ve-name/bin/activate
# now all this goes into your virtual env - which is very isolated
# and predictable environment to be in
# next time there is no need to install these. Just entering your
# virtual env gets you all the packages.
pip install sphinx
pip install sphinx_rtd_theme

Repeat these steps to see changes in action

make clean html

To run locally:
    open build/html/index.html

To run remotely:
    python -m http.server 8000
    In a browser, <ip_of_your_server>:8000

How to Use rST Files

To contribute to the documentation, some knowledge of rST is required. Below are some helpful links.