Template as Code

In order to work with templates from the command line as opposed to the UI, there are a few commands we can use. Before you get started, make sure you are in the Python directory, and run:




The config command is the first command that should be used. It will specify the git directory:

# To specify directory for git
./template.py config -d=<git-directory>


The list command can be used to list the templates for a tenant:

# To access local templates
./template.py ls

# To access public templates
./template.py ls -p


The pull command can be used to make a copy of the public branch template into your local branch:

./template.py pull -p -T=<template-name-or-path>

# If no template is provided, defaults to all templates


The format command is used to apply edits to the template:

./template.py fmt <template-path>


The push command is used to push the local branch template to the public branch. NOTE: This is a dangerous command. Only run if you are confident in your changes to the template:

./template.py push -T=<template-name-or-path>

# If no template is provided, defaults to all templates


As edits are made to the templates, the local branch can start to differ slightly from the public one. The drift command can be used to check these differences:

./template.py drift -p -n -T=<template-name-or-path>

# If no template is provided, defaults to all templates


The alerts command can be used to check any alerts:

./template.py alerts

Example Videos

Updating a Docker Template