Getting started with microk8s (Mac)

This is an end-to-end guide on how to test Araali on Canonical’s MicroK8s and use an opensource microservice app (sockshop). The most important thing is to ensure things are running at every stage before you can proceed to the next.

Install MicroK8s using Homebrew

Install Homebrew

/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

Once Homebrew is installed, you can proceed with Microk8s

Install MicroK8s

brew install ubuntu/microk8s/microk8s

microk8s install

Note: Say yes to multipass install (above)

Check if microk8s is up:

microk8s status --wait-ready

Before installing dns and storage, ensure the cni is up and running by executing:

microk8s kubectl get pods -A

Enable the dns and ingress services:

microk8s enable dns

microk8s enable ingress

Before proceeding further, ensure dns and ingress are up and running by executing:

microk8s kubectl get pods -A

Install Araali

Follow the instructions in the getting started post

Installing an Opensource App

Download sock-shop from Github:

git clone

Create a namespace:

microk8s kubectl create ns sock-shop

Deploy the yaml file:

microk8s kubectl apply -f sock-shop/sock-shop.yaml -n sock-shop

Look into the services and mark the port for NodePort service “front-end”:

microk8s kubectl apply get svc -n sock-shop"
kubectl get svc -A

In this case its running on 30001

Open a browser and type your VM’s IP:30001

sock shop frontend UI