Getting Started with GKE/AKS


You should have access to a cluster on GKE and a functioning kubectl on your local machine.

You can validate your kubectl by running:

kubectl version --short

Check if kubectl is pointing to the cluster you want to assess:

kubectl get svc

Install Araali and start the assessment

Follow the instructions in the getting started post

Once Araalictl is set up, start the assessment:

./araalictl assessment -start

Setting up an app to test

Download the google-microservice-shopping app from GitHub:

git clone

Go to the directory:

cd microservices-demo/release

Create a namespace:

kubectl create ns gshop

Run the file:

kubectl apply -f kubernetes-manifests.yaml --namespace=gshop

Get the IP for external service to log from a browser:

kubectl get svc -A


Google Shopping App Front End

Stop the assessment

After running the tests, you can stop the assessment:

./araalictl assessment -stop

Freemium only allows you to run point-in-time assessments (vs continuous monitoring/security). So as long as your tests complete in a reasonable time, you should have a good picture of your application