REST APIs are protected by tokens that need to be passed by the client making these requests.

To generate the token, go to Admininstration - API Tokens.

Admininstration - API Tokens

Click on + to create a new token.

Creating a new token

Copy generated token and keep it in a safe store.

Token to save

The token can be revoked at anytime.

List of tokens generated and revoke button

Follow the API calls below to get specific information required for compliance


Lists out all the assets - VMs and containers, along with vulnerabilities. Also includes inactive assets that were previously live but are no longer running.<tenant-id>&filter.time.start_time=2021-05-05T16:47:00.000Z&filter.time.end_time=2023-05-05T16:57:00.643Z&filter.list_active_vm=1&filter.list_active_container=1&filter.list_inactive_vm=1&filter.list_inactive_container=1

Enforced Lens

List of containers or VMs where Araali FW is enabled. This is to show that

compensating controls and IPS exist for vulnerable containers.<tenant-id>


List of open and closed alerts. This is to show that you have IDS enabled for your cluster.<tenant-id>&filter.time.start_time=2023-05-03T16:57:00.643Z&filter.time.start_time=2023-05-05T16:57:00.643Z&filter.list_all_alerts=1&filter.open_alerts=1&filter.closed_alerts=1&filter.perimeter_egress=1&filter.perimeter_ingress=1&filter.home_non_araali_egress=1&filter.home_non_araali_ingress=1&filter.araali_to_araali=1&count=20

List Insights

This is the list of critical assets in your infrastructure like internet-exposed assets, databases, high-privilege assets, potential backdoors, and many more.<tenant-id>