Policy as Code

Provisioning Policies from Git

On every deployment of an app that needs to be secured, we can clean and apply policies that were saved in the git repo as part of ops for that app. This ensures that we always start from a clean state where we only allow the links that we have already reviewed and approved.

1. Generate and apply the Araali firewall installation yaml with the AraaliPolicy CRD enabled.

  1. Modify the Service Discovery config to start watching Araali policy lifecycle.
    araalictl fortify-k8s -tags=zone=policy-1 -araali-policy-crd -force policy-1
    kubectl edit cm araali-operator-config -n araali-operator
    araalitags.operator.araali_k8s_policy_enable: "1" (Add this to configmap)
    kubectl apply -f araali_k8s.yaml
  2. Apply the Araali policy from git before deploying application.

    kubectl apply -f /tmp/yaml/common.voting-tmp.yaml -n voting-tmp (K8S)
    cat /tmp/yaml/common.voting-tmp.yaml | araalictl policy -zone=policy-1 -app=voting-tmp -tenant=vmk -op update (VM)
  3. Check UI for policy

    AKS Voting App

With this workflow, Araali automates the task of writing network security policy and managing its lifecycle using git ops. After these policies are discovered, the app can use them on any cluster or even other clouds!

Pushing Policies to Git

Once we are satisfied with the review of the links for an app, we can fetch the links in yaml format using our command-line tool araalictl by following the steps below.

  1. Download the reviewed and accepted policy for an application (rsncommon/voting)

    araalictl policy -zone=rsncommon -app=voting -tenant=rsn > /tmp/yaml/common.voting.yaml
  2. Use the AKS voting app running in rsncommon zone and voting namespace.

    AKS Voting App

3. Modify the zone, app and any other fields that need to be edited and save them into a different file. In this example the zone and app will be modified to (policy-1/voting-tmp)

  1. Check your policy diff visually to make sure it is ok

    araalictl policy -file1 /tmp/yaml/common.voting.yaml -file2 /tmp/yaml/common.voting-tmp.yaml -op=diff

5. Note down the URL presented by the policy diff API. This is a persistant URL that can be passed around for policy review.

araalictl policy -diff-id=74c05743-a25c-45e4-8dd8-1f27956b690c
  1. Commit the new policy file (/tmp/yaml/common.voting-tmp.yaml) to git along side the application.

We can repeat the discovery and review process to come up with good allowed policies. We should also be able to view the difference between policies in the file on the our git repo and the current status of links in the app, all on our UI.

Saving policies in git also help with versioning the policies which allow us to iterate over the discovery and review process.